Every adult working within public education faces countless responsibilities and expectations.
Often, their own needs are sacrificed while dedicating so much to the students they mentor, guide, and care for. These employees are working in a system that has more demands than can fit into the time and money available.
Our mission focuses on empowering cultures of well-being within education workplaces, specifically for the adult employees themselves. Providing financial support, resources, partnership, and opportunities for connection empowers education communities to practice community care and shift norms toward what people need to feel valued and cared for.
We want each employee to feel they belong when they work in Oregon education.
Small shifts in things like staff rooms, communication styles, bathroom breaks, and meeting expectations, for example, can make a big difference in physical and emotional well-being. We want each employee to feel they belong when they work in Oregon education. We want them to joyfully stay in their important jobs because they feel respected, valued, and that their well-being matters.

Lauren D. Booth
Executive Director