Education Employee
Well-being (EEW) Multi-Year Grant

Could your well-being program benefit from individualized support and funding to continue growing?
This grant provides multi-year, tiered funding, and individualized support to help your organization develop your employee well-being program.
EEW Grant Basics
Tiered, based on the number of staff at your organization
Grant Cycle
3 – 5 Years
Applications Due
Second Friday in April

“The Relaxation Room provides a space and opportunity for every adult role model in our district to decompress, be rejuvenated, and be more prepared to serve the students at Days Creek.”
Steve Woods, Former Superintendent
this grant is designed to support existing well-being programs that have…
Grant Funding Tiers
The EEW Grant program awards funding based on the number of staff employed at an education organization. This tiered funding structure, based on organizational size, was implemented in part to offer equitable funding to the wide range of education organizations across the state.
The table below can help you determine your organization’s tier based on the total number of staff. Please contact us if you have any questions about the tiered funding structure.
Tier | Number of Employees | Maximum Funding Over 5 Years | Request Limit Per Year |
0 | 1-19 | *See the note below | *See the note below |
1 | 20-74 | $50,000 | $15,000 |
2 | 74-299 | $150,000 | $40,000 |
3 | 300-999 | $250,000 | $75,000 |
4 | 1,000 – 2,999 | $350,000 | $100,000 |
5 | 3,000 or more | *See the note below | *See the note below |
The Trust has limitations on how much money can be funded each year. Typically, financial capacity would limit the number of Tier 4 and Tier 5 organizations the Trust can fund at a time.
If your organization has 19 or fewer employees OR 3,000 or more employees, please reach out to Oregon Well-Being Trust before submitting your application to determine the funding.
How This Grant Can Be Used
Education Employee Well-being Grant funds are offered over multiple years to support building successful, sustainable programs.

- “Mini-grants” to individual sites or departments to meet unique, staff-identified well-being needs
- Stipends for well-being coordinators and committees to plan and execute programming
- Multi-year training programs for staff on mindfulness, conflict resolution, or other well-being topics
- Materials to create calm rooms or mindfulness spaces for staff
- Supplies for staff gatherings, whether for all-staff events or for smaller affinity or activity groups
Want More Information?
Contact Asta Garmon, Grants Manager
Schedule a meeting through Calendly
Email –
Call – (971) 380-5551