Jordan Ng
Board Chair
Physical Education Teacher, David Douglas School District
Biracial Asian American
Why do I serve on this board?
I want to help create healthy school environments so educators can take care of themselves, so they can better serve their students and community.
What unique strengths do I bring to the board?
I feel I have a vast knowledge on physical activity and the importance of daily movement and how it can help lead a healthy lifestyle.
Who am I?
I grew up in Gladstone and graduated from Gladstone High School. After high school I attended Oregon State University, where I received a Bachelors in Exercise and Sport Science and a Masters in Physical Education. Since 2007 I have been teaching physical education at West Powellhurst Elementary School. In 2019, I was named Oregon Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year.
What does well-being look like for me?
I’m working each day to make sure my own nutrition, physical activity, mental health and social relationships are each cared for and practiced.