Stephanie McEwen

Special Education Director and High School Special Education Teacher, Falls City School District

Why do I serve on this board?

Mental health of all staff is a heart issue for me. If ALL staff are not taken care of, the students can’t be taken care of and they are our future.

What unique strengths do I bring to the board?

Since I hold both a certified and an administrative role in my district, I can offer views from both perspectives.  

Who am I?

I’m a transplant, originally from Mississippi which is a whole different culture from the PNW. I’m a wife, mother of young adults and animals, hiker, and traveler. I love adventure, but I also love being at home.

What does well-being look like for me?

Well-being for me can look many different ways. It could be going on a hike, sleeping in, time with a friend, an outing with my family, reading a book, or going on a drive. Sometimes well -being is just a long talk with my best friend over guacamole and chips.