Community Engagement

The community engagement team supports education communities in addressing the critical connection between equity and well-being. We do this by centering the current needs and priorities of Oregon education employees who have been historically excluded from participating in decisions that impact their well-being. 

Our work includes creating opportunities for connecting, raising awareness at Oregon education events and conferences, supporting affinity spaces, and cultivating relationships with those committed to shifting culture and enhancing education employee well-being. Effective wellness programs can help employees take better care of themselves and foster resilience to buffer the negative effects of stress. Let’s work together to bring well-being to your organization.

Who We Center

While Oregon Well-Being Trust is dedicated to the well-being, safety and belonging of every education employee in Oregon, our community engagement strategy is specifically focused on uplifting the needs, interests, and gifts of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) educators, those who identify as LGBTQ+, education employees with disabilities, and classified staff.

“ A day for educators to focus on well-being provided such an important message and experience.  It was truly amazing – unlike any opportunity we’ve had before. You provided a beautiful and safe place to relax and learn.”

Regional Convening Attendee

Regional Convenings

Learn more about well-being regional convening events hosted in hosted in partnership with ESDs around the state.

Regional Convenings allow educators to

  • Engage in rejuvenating well-being activities
  • Explore resources from local organizations
  • Connect with other educators to share wellness successes and challenges

Upcoming Events

We are honored to be part of many educator conferences and gatherings across Oregon. Check out the calendar below for more information on where to find us

NameOrganization Start DateEnd DateLocationOffering
Oregon School Nurses Association ConferenceOregon School Nurses Association ConferenceApril 17, 2025April 18, 2025Lincoln City, ORRejuvenation Station, exhibit table, massage, general session spotlight
Well-being Summit for South Coast EducatorsOregon Well-Being TrustApril 19, 2025April 19, 2025North Bend, ORKeynote, breakouts, Rejuvenation Station, massage
OEA RAOEAApril 18, 2025April 19, 2025Jantzen Beach, ORExhibit table
ESD ConferenceOregon Association of ESDsMay 7, 2025May 9, 2025Sunriver, ORExhibit table

Rejuvenation Stations

The science of well-being provides evidence-based tools that foster individual and collective resiliency.

Oregon Well-Being Trust is excited to provide some of these tools at select convenings across the state through our rejuvenation stations, which help you experience the benefits of gratitude, mindfulness, stress relief, massage, laughter, chocolate, and more!

Check out the calendar above for our upcoming rejuvenation stations and stop by for giveaways and tips for cultivating well-being in your organization. 

Person getting a chair massage