Capacity-Building Grants

Could your organization benefit from small group coaching to help lay the foundation for a holistic well-being program?

Capacity-Building Grants provide one year of funding and small group coaching designed to support the development of emerging education employee well-being programs.

Capacity-Building Grant Basics



Grant Cycle

1 Year

Applications Due

Second Friday in January

This grant is designed to support new and emerging well-being programs that are…

  • In the early stages of addressing staff well-being needs at their organization
  • Putting foundational pieces in place, such as identifying a wellness coordinator or gaining leadership support
  • Planning to gather information from staff about well-being activities that meet their needs and interests

How This Grant Can Be Used

Capacity-Building Grant funds can be used for activities and programming that help build staff engagement and put the necessary pieces in place for a holistic, sustainable well-being program.

Group of four employees smile at the camera


  • Offering snacks, stipends, and childcare for focus groups and empathy interviews to gather staff feedback
  • Providing stipends for a wellness coordinator or committee members
  • Organizing celebratory lunches, movement challenges, or mindfulness classes for all staff
  • Purchasing incentives to build excitement and spread the word about the program

Want More Information?

Contact Asta Garmon, Grants Manager
Schedule a meeting through Calendly
Email –
Call – (971) 380-5551