Kyle Pfaffenbach
Why do I serve on this board?
The aims of the Oregon Well Being Trust align with my area of study and work at Eastern Oregon University (EOU). I run a teacher wellness program where we offer personalized wellness services in our exercise physiology lab, along with other wellness resources including a podcast, to teachers and staff in the La Grande OR School District.
What unique strengths do I bring to the board?
I feel that I bring experience and fresh expertise to the board, as well as creative and critical thinking.
Who am I?
I am originally from Ohio, and I completed my BS, MS, and PhD at Colorado State University. I have lived in La Grande, Oregon and worked at EOU since 2012 with my beautiful wife and our two boys.
What does well-being look like for me?
Well-being is realizing that rest, mental wellness, exercise, and nutrition are a person’s right, not something that they get to do ‘if they have time’. For me, this means prioritizing work/life balance by intentionally setting aside time for self-care (sleep, exercise, nutrition, recreation). I enjoy working out, skiing, mountain biking, running, hiking, and fly fishing!